Monday, February 20, 2006

Cool Optical illusion

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! PATTICHEEE!! Nuthin new going on in my life as of now, just "preparing" for final exams. Gotta start studying a bit now, so chances are, you won't hear from me for another 3 weeks, but after that, i'm gonna be LIVING on the net, man! Important recent events:

=> tuitions have started to wind up.... too bad, their goes my social life.

=> i have rediscovered the joy of reading... btw, John Grisham RULES!!

=> I, just 2 seconds ago, ran out of ideas for my blog

=> My plan to take over the world using microchips implanted in teddy bears, has finally taken off.

and....thats about it... as u can see, my life's been pretty mundane. Just the same old saving the world from mathematics stuff. i gotta go, im getting bored. This is whatthehack aka cyke, signing out.............................

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