Friday, December 09, 2005
Hi everyone

This is my first ever post on my first ever blog, and i just wanna say that i WILL annoy you. I'm here to post whatever shit i want to, and theres nuthin you or anyone else can do about it... unless you kill me, which i strongly advise against, since that could lead to total chaos, all over the world. When people find out you killed me, they'll be up in arms against you. They'll hunt you down and pull your brains out through your bellybuttons... or sumthin like that... am i annoying you yet?? No??? Too bad. I just dont give a fuchsia. About me:
Age: archaic
The world was made a better day on: A day i cant remember
People call me : whatever they feel like, if they're bigger than me.
My name is: withheld
My favourite colour: blood
my fav food: blood
blood, blood, blood, blood....I luv blood. Im secretly a vampire who spirits away beautiful ladies in the middle of the night and, and, and..........makes them listen to me sing!!!! Now thats torture, paralleled only by being made to distinguish between George Bush's brain and a cockroaches genitalia... just remember, the smaller one is the brain. As my page sez, i am not the one.
but since everyone is sumone, i guess i am too. So, i am someone who is not the one. But in comparison to the one, i am the one who is not the one. But, that makes me the one!!! Well, not THE one, but a one, nonetheless! i like peanuts. Heres a thought:
If, at any point in time, you expect the unexpected, then, theoretically, there is no unexpected thing. You, at that point in time, expect everything in the world to happen to you, no matter how improbable...unless of course, when expecting the unexpected, u completely 4get to expect the expected. In that case, the expected is actually the unexpected, and since, as said before, you are expecting the unexpected, it is the expected. So there is a complete reverse in the cosmic universe at that time. The expected becomes unexpected, and the unexpected, the expected. Boy am i tired of typing the word expected.... and unexpected, too. But, isnt expected part of unexpected?? so mebbe im just tired of unexpected. i like counterstrike! Thus, in this fashion, The first law of thermodynamics has been proved, which states that:
" The amount of heat generated by a fart is directly proportional to the amount of beans eaten beforehand".....................Im getting bored(always a dangerous sign!!), so peace out!
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nice....i did'nt expect such a show of philosophy and unexpected talent.....the unexpected yada...yada..yada....keep um cummin' (yeah cummin')....peace out
I'm not too sure that U didn't write these comments u'rself. The blog's gud. thats all u'r gonna get as praise from u'r senior. And I'm not gonna click on u'r adverts
hey man you rock
you can reeely annoy people
it is cool man,looks likeyou are a huge philosopher.your phil. is gross man(just kidding)
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you can reeely annoy people
it is cool man,looks likeyou are a huge philosopher.your phil. is gross man(just kidding)
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